Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Very Rainy Day!

Though April showers may come your way, they bring the flowers that bloom in May, so if it's raining, have no regrets, because it isn't raining rain, you know (It's raining violets)... today I may have regrets, but come May I will not regret all the beautiful flowers.

Today, I have seen rain falling outside my office window all day. Yesturday was a snowy-rain, so I guess I'm thankful that it isn't snowing. It will be nice when we have a normal weather day, and it looks like that might be Sunday. I'm in, I'm so ready to sit outside and enjoy all the beauty of Washington.

It's funny how the weather effects so much. How many things you don't do because of the weather and how much you do end up doing despite the weather. Often I wonder now that I have more energy (and I'm sure more to come) if I will ever be one of those people that walks outside in the rain. Not just to get somewhere but to just walk. Something tells me that's a big "NO". Oh well, that's why I have a gym membership.

So much has changed in such a short time in my life, and it doesn't all have to do with the weather as you might of feared. I guess the rain just has me down today.

As of this morning, I have lost a total of 80 pounds. They have just vanished, and I pray never to find them again. It is always a great joy for me to tell people how much I have lost, not because I want to brag, because I really can't brag. But more to just be amazed with my family and friends at what has happened to me. The Lord is so faithful and it is just so fun to wake up every day knowing that I'll have another day.

Last month I had my 1st Doctors appointment in 3 months. It went very well! My Doctor walked in the exam room and started the appointment by telling me that I had lost a lot of weight. I smiled and told him that I thought that was the plan. Before the appointment I had given blood for my labs and everything came back great except for my Vitamin D which was low. So now I have added a Vitamin D pill to my day. I have to say before the appointment I had been worried, worried that I wouldn't be healthy and that I would have to go to the hospital for a visit. Nothing to worry about, everything was great. June 8th is my next appointment, and I'm sure everything will be great again.

Despite my fears that I had before my Doctors appointment, everything is going well. I am right where I should be with weight loss, I am not having as many problems with getting food stuck, and my body is just feeling better. My biggest thing now is to watch my protions and not over eat. Which isn't to much of a problem since I get full fast.

The biggest problem that I have now is that I don't have any clothes that fit, is that really a problem? My Mom and I need a frequent shopper card at Goodwill. I try and go once a week, to drop off what doesn't fit anymore and to hopefully pick up something that does. I wish they had an exchange program, that would be nice. Most days my entire outfit is from Goodwill and nothing makes me happier. My only complaint right now is that I don't have any long dress pants for work, so I've been wearing capri's. So my legs are cold, but again is that really a problem, at least I have pants that are 2 sizes smaller then when I started this.

This weekend I hope to post new pictures for the month, my photograper should be available. If not I'll find a new one. Also this weekend I plan to finish organizing my apartment. I've been working on it for the last few months, trying to make all areas of my life new and health.


Peregrina said...

Ha! I told myself that now that I am getting fitter...I would get out and walk in the rain, too.'s just not gonna happen. :) And that's why I have a gym membership!

Looking forward to the Mariners game!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jen,
You're looking GREAT! :)
I found you! ;)

Anonymous said...

Wow Jen, when you scroll through the pictures it really is amazing the change you've gone through! I know it's been pretty tough going for you at times but the results are great.
Sorry for the anonymous post but I can't make an identity because I'm not the admin on this account-Kathryn M.