Thursday, August 19, 2010

Whey Protein.

So this morning as I was making my latte, I got the idea that I should add a scoop of protein. I'm thinking that adding 18 grams of protein would really jump start my day. Well, it jump started my day alright. Thinking that I should taste it before I leave the house (just in case it's taste bad), I take a drink and gross. I now have a mouth full of hot coffee and chunks! Yes, chunks. Not able to swallow the chunks I spit it out in the sink. Whey doesn't really dissolve in hot liquid. I then think, I'll just scoop the chunks out and it should be fine. Well, no, it's not fine. It's still gross just no chunks. I remade my latte before leaving the house and all was well. So, if you are ever tempted to add protein to your latte, you might want to rethink that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whey to go! Had to - :)